33 prominent sentences to freshen up your resume

By Jessica Holbrook Hernandez

Re -released with permission from Greatresumesfast.com

Upgrade your resume and team -employment leaders at first sight with these well -tried and shocked phrases

If I asked you to list 10 words that describe your personal brand to include on your resume can you do it? You may think it’s an easy task, but the numbers say it’s pretty difficult.

Would you be surprised to hear that even though 92% of people * think * they are self -conscious, is it in fact only 15% of people actually self -conscious?

What does this have to do with your resume and job search, I hear you ask?

Well. . . Very actually.

In this article I need to discuss:

– ImportT.ance of self -awareness and its role in writing your resume

– Where to reveal accurate sentences that best reflect your results

– How to integrate these memorable sentences into your resume

– Swipable phrases that you can use for inspiration for your own resume

Tasha eurich, author of the book Insight reveals, “Self -awareness is critical of career success. People who are more self -aware tend to do better at work, get more campaigns and lead more effectively. “

When you are aware of your talents, skills, unique differentiators and strengths, you have a word bank to deduct when writing your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.

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If you lack awareness of your strengths and differentiators, it becomes almost impossible to create a resume that will stand out from similar qualified candidates.

Before you can formulate what makes you a good rent, you need to understand what makes you a good rental-what requires self-awareness.

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Image for posts

If you haven’t read Emotional intelligence 2.0 Or taken EQ Quiz, I encourage you to do it. My favorite aspect of the quiz is that it gives you a list of action steps you can take to increase your EM. They are simple and feasible as “greet people by name” but they help you strengthen your EQ in the areas you need it most.

Just so you know, I don’t earn commissions from recommending the book or quiz. I just think it’s really so good.

Consider taking your first step toward greater self -awareness. Your future salary will thank you.

The basis of the CV writing process in our work with clients reveals what makes them unique.

Therefore, we always start the CV writing process with an in-depth client interview. We are able to dig deep into our client’s career story and carefully search for:

  • Repeated successes
  • Returning themes
  • Strengths
  • Unique differentiates
  • Examples and stories of value added
  • Numeric data for backing up and providing credibility to results

If you work on your resume, these are six areas where you find your secret sauce.

Your most important differentiators – The content is mostly asking for CV – is just waiting to be discovered.

To help you eradicate your personal brand, look for areas of consistency and themes that repeat where you go.

Do you remember the little black blackboard -staffelias we had as kids? In second class I would gather my younger cousins ​​around mine, write cat on it and teach them to read.

The desire to teach has stayed with me throughout my life.

My favorite articles to write is “how it is.” Much to my husband’s discomfort, I collect and share obsessive information. You don’t want to see my bookshelves.

My top two clifton forces are input and teacher. I am a big OL Information Collection Nerd.

Education is one of my greatest strengths, and although I am not a schoolteacher, I still use my experience and knowledge to educate every single day.

Now it’s your turn. . .

Where are there recurring themes in your life?

Are you an Achiever?


Take responsibility?

A Go-Better?

A strong dealer?

Ask yourself:

  • What am I known for?
  • What do my supervisors, colleagues, friends and family members come to me for?
  • What am I most proud of in my career?
  • What brings me immense fulfillment?

Try to create a list of at least ten strengths, talents or skills.

Next search for examples of these strengths in action.

What challenge did you face when this strength was used?

How did you use the strength to intervene?

What happened as a result of your efforts?

Before you know it, you have the main ingredients for powerful CV balls that reflect your value.

I see the same sentences repeated on hundreds of resume. (I look at you “responsible for” and “tasks included”!)

The problem with these worn words is that they have no weight or power.

They are weak and vague.

A safe way to pack more punch in your resume is to change the tired, overused sentences with strong action verbs that tell your story.

Strong action verbs are perfect for giving your resume balls so they “wow” employers.

Extra Credit: They are also good at leading into result -based statements.

An example of a performance ball using action verbs and stand-out phrases could sound like:

  • Turned around $ 750 million. Budget deficit for a $ 300,000 profit within 1 year by creating infrastructure, optimizing expenses and cultivating strategic partnerships with 21 hospitals and medical manufacturers.

When we work with clients, we use a car formula to help us create memorable balls.

C – Challenge

A – Action

R – Result

I also often recommend this formula for my LinkedIn connections when asking for re -election of writing advice:

(Action verbs) (noun) (quantifiable metric or result) (action you took to achieve result)

An example of this formula filled as a resume ball would sound something like this:

  • Increased revenue 64.5% by designing and implementing strategies to reduce costs, improve efficiency and optimize the production of 325 styles and 6.2 m SKUs.

Try the formula in your resume when you work to write about your results.

I talked to a job seeker at senior level last week who confided in me how difficult it was to assess her own work.

She hesitantly shared: “I struggle to convey my value.”

I’ll get it. Boy, I’ll get it.

Most of us are struggling to explain our value. We know that we are talented and competent, but convey it on a resume suddenly induces all kinds of author block and analysis paralysis.

If you want to reflect what you have achieved and point out your value to employers, try using a few of these well -tried CV phrases:

The key is not to throw them all into your resume. You will use these sparingly to give them maximum influence.

Read through the list and select 2-3 that reflects you most precisely.

Include one in your career summary and another in your “notable results” section in the upper third of your resume.

These 33 sentences are high influence and are sure to seize the attention-but only if you choose those who exactly reflect you and your personal brand.

Employers will be looking for proof That you possess these qualities as they read through the rest of your resume.

This is where the formula comes in that I shared with you earlier in the article. Use this formula to create balls that prove that you possess these qualities and properties.

If you need more inspiration for CV power words, I wrote this article with 178 words and phrases that you can incorporate into your resume.

You also like this “how-to” to use action verbs or this on CV key word.

Phew … We’ve covered a lot in a short time.

We discussed the importance of self -awareness and its effect on your career (and earnings!). It was definitely a wake-up call.

I showed you where to uncover phrases that best reflect your results and how to incorporate these memorable words into your resume, and gave you a list of the top swipable phrases we use with our own clients so you can use them for inspiration in your resume.

Want to Binge-Read More CV articles?

Check out this guide we use as an internal reference tool for career summaries as we write our client’s resume.

Let’s be real for a moment. . . With errands to run, meals for cooking, children’s practice, work and the 100 other plates you spin, it can be too much to try to DIY.

Whether you are trying to write your own resume or deterred with the missing response from your applications, we are here to help.

We equip strong, smart women like you with knockout -career marketing material so you can get ahead of hiring managers, communicate your value and land the position you deserve.

Ready to beat job search frustration on the face?

Me too.

Increase your chances of getting a response to your application

About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

People hire Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter to give no BS career counseling globally because he makes many things in people’s careers easier. These things can involve job search, hire more efficiently, manage and lead better, career transition and advice on solving workplace problems.

The exit pack

He hosts “No BS Job Search Advice Radio”, # 1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes. Jeff Altman

Are you the target of a job dismissal?

You will find good info to help with your job search on my new site, ⁠⁠Jobsearch.community⁠⁠ In addition to video courses, books and guides, I answer questions from members daily about their job search. Leave job search questions, then I answer daily. Become an insider+ member and you get everything you get as an insider, plus you can get me on zoom call to get questions answered. Become an Insider -Premium member and we do individual and groups coaching.

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