No BS -career counseling: February 16, 2025

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

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The nature of job data in the United States is radically changed with the March report for February. Why? US governments, federal, state and local, have been the primary driver of job creation in the United States for 4 years.

If you read the job report, with the exception of the immediate demand for the post-covide period when people began to return to work, the government, as well as social services and healthcare (the latter two are funded by the government) was the primary driver of The new jobs created numbers.

The US government has frozen its payments to NGOs and others while revising contracts. This last week, about 200,000 preliminary US government workers lost their jobs. Extended family and friends who depended on public payments for services have told employees that they will not be paid. Some have lost their jobs. These will all be reflected in the March job report.

So in mid -March there will be a battle for a final financing bill for the US government for 2025. Don’t be surprised if there is a government shielding where one side claims the other will starve poor people and the other says the path we are on is unsustainable.

Tighten up. Preserve capital. We experience turbulence.

Each week I release new content in my blog. Among the articles I released this week were:

Your career doesn’t have to end

Don’t make the mistake I committed

Steak history and get a good price for your work

Two network errors, people make & how to fix them

Hard interview question: “How do you handle stress?”

Mothers return to work. . . And the trades?

What recruiters know you don’t do it: the market for your experience

The second most important place on your LinkedIn -profile

Laid off and they want you to sign something?

5 uncommon interview tips

If a search company asks you to recommend someone does that mean they want you?

Do you feel stuck in your job search?

6 steps to resign your job

To give your resume to someone

Don’t make the mistake I committed

What are the most important things you look for?

Career Coach Office Time: 11 February 2025

Senior. Intermediate. Junior. What is the difference?

Do you have to apply for jobs you are underbaluated for?

Boolean Search: Job & LinkedIn leads

Hard Interview Questions: Describe a database in 3 sentences

I also read and listened to some good work from others.

Are you ready to start your Encore career? (podcast)

How to create a job wind that is aimed at federal workers

DEBUNKED: The hidden job market myth

If you have any questions about job search, you should be with me to Career Coach Office Time On YouTube or LinkedIn Tuesday at noon, if you can’t join live, mark that you; ‘LL participates on LinkedIn, send your question to me and see the repetition.

Subscribe to No BS Job Search Advice Roadio, #1 podcast in Apple Podcasts for Job Search, no matter where you listen to podcasts.

I can help you with your job search. Join me at For advice on your job search and coaching from me.

Jeff Altman

The big game hunter*

*TM The Big Game Hunter, Inc, Asheville, NC 2007

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