By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
Punchline for the cartoon I once saw was: “He wasn’t a team player. Are you a team player, Watley? “
Not long ago, I was on vacation, and as often happen, my mind wandered to different things related to my work.
For years I have joked with people about how meaningless the expression, “team player” is. No one asks for people who are mavericks or renegades. Everyone will hire, “team players.”
And then the thought hit me.
Why is it a team player so good that employers write it into so many job descriptions?
I did a Google search in my browser.
“What is a team player,” and got a few answers that I thought were interesting.
A defined a team player like someone who:
- Enjoys other People’s Company
- Are non-judgmental and accept
- Is a listener
- Is sympathetic
- Is empathetic
- Accepting other opinions
They cited as examples someone who says
- “I enjoy motivating people by praising them for their results, and I accept the opinions of others if they are different from mine.”
- “I enjoy the company of others and I enjoy discussions with others.”
- “I think teamwork increases efficiency at work.”
Now I understand why this in some jobs is qualities that need to be searched for, but I have to tell you all light that there are times when it is important for someone to face the storm and shout, ”This is wrong,“Or”What you’re doing is shit“And requires them to be heard.
You see i hold opinion That too many organizations have sentenced themselves to mediocrity through demanding, that people are “team players” rather than geniuses. . . Or people who can be “a pain in pathotie” when something seems wrong or mediocre instead of excellent.
So while interviewing team players, ask them a few extra questions that let them know that being “different” or not just “go with the flow” is a quality you want in your new hires.
When they talk to you about what they have done, follow up with this statement and question:
“Many people answer that question in about the same way. What makes you different from the last three people I have interviewed for this job?“
“Tell me about a time you took a stand for something that turned out well on your last job.“
And equally important
“Tell me about a time you took a stand for something that didn’t appear as you hoped. What did you learn from it?“
You learn a lot more about the people you interview from their answers and start moving your company’s culture from being someone who accepts other opinions in an undeniable way where it is important to be sympathetic and empathetic to someone who appreciates expertise, hires very motivated and requires people who want to create excellent products or offer good service to customers, no matter what.
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When a manager does not intervene
About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
People hire Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter to give no BS Job Search -Coaching and Career Counseling globally because he is doing job search And succeed easier in your career.
The mechanics of job interview
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He hosts “No BS Job Search Advice Radio”, # 1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes over 14+ years.
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