Why your job interview skills suck

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

Many job seekers find themselves reflective of previous interviews with a sense of disappointment and wonder what went wrong. Feelings of having “sucked” in an interview are common. This article is discussing several reasons why your job interview skills may fall short, which draws from expert insights and experiences in the real world.

One of the most significant reasons for a bad interview performance is a Lack of preparation and practice. Performing well in a job interview is a skill, but it is one that is not used frequently and can be degraded without regular practice. Many job seekers do not dedicate enough time to prepare specific examples related to the job requirements. As Dr. Anthony Llewellyn, the career doctor, points out if you do not prepare examples of questions such as “Tell me about a time when you did …”, you may have awkward silence and give weak, erratic answers. Reading the job description and understanding the selection criteria is crucial to preparing relevant examples.

Makes one Bad first impression Can also hinder your chances seriously. Awkward inputs, like a clumsy or slack handshake, can set a negative tone from the start and make the panel believe that you lack confidence. Dr. Llewellyn suggests taking the lead from the interviewers about handshakes or practicing your handshake in advance if it’s not something you are used to.

Another critical error is Inability to give good examples when asked. Interviewers often ask for specific cases from your previous work, education or even activities outside to measure your abilities and experiences. Without prepared examples that are in line with the selection criteria, you will fight to demonstrate your skills effectively.

Bad communication skills During the interview can also lead to a negative result. Talking too much, wandering and not being brief in your answers are ordinary pitfalls. Furthermore, focusing excessively on yourself using “I” instead of highlighting teamwork with “We” suggest that you may not be a good team player. Remember, the interviewers are looking for someone who can contribute to the team.

Asks silly or easily examinable questions at the end of the interview is another way of undermining a potentially good impression. Questions about basic information such as guards or who you report to indicate a lack of prior research and preparation. Jeff Alman from Job Search Radio suggests starting the conversation by asking the interviewer about the job from their perspective, demonstrating the initiative and collecting crucial information early.

ONE Lack of passion and energy can also be harmful. Employers are often looking for candidates who are really interested in work and willing to learn. As highlighted by Litchlearnevolve, it can be more valuable than expertise without passion without passion without passion. For older workers, demonstrating energy and passion can also tackle potential concerns about their ability to take direction from younger leaders.

Finally, many do not recognize that an interview is Not only about answering questions but also about connecting and presenting yourself effectively. As Mark Anthony Dyson of “The Voice of Jobs Seekers emphasizes, it is crucial to connect with the interviewer. Jeff Altman refers to interviews as “theater” that requires you to engage your audience (the interview panel) with energy and make your performance seem fresh, even if you have answered similar questions before. Using social media to feel yourself and showing your work can also give you an advantage. Asking insightful questions at the end, such as what constitutes a spectacular performance in the role after a year, can leave a lasting positive impression.

Finally, bad job interview skills often come from inadequate preparation and practice, lack of good first impression, weak communication, asks inappropriate questions, a lack of enthusiasm and an inability to get in touch with the interviewer and present themselves effectively. Recognizing these pitfalls and active work to improve in these areas is crucial to interview success.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2025

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About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

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