Apple co-founder Steve Jobs spoke about artificial intelligence 40 years ago: Here’s a video

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs spoke about artificial intelligence 40 years ago: Here's a video

While artificial intelligence as a technology may have taken off after its launch ChatGPT two years ago, the concept is far from new. Apple founder Steve Jobs, a visionary in the world of technology, predicted the potential of AI as far back as 40 years ago, envisioning machines that can answer questions and think like … Read more

Jobs, jobs, jobs. Democrats vs. Republicans

Jobs, jobs, jobs. Democrats vs. Republicans

It’s time to update my analysis of unemployment trends under Democratic and Republican administrations to illustrate the contrasting impact that D and R presidents can have on the economy. I can’t say it often or loud enough. Democrats are better than Republicans at managing the American economy. I have the receipts. It’s not even close. … Read more

Letter to the editor: Defending mining jobs as…

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Dear Editor: As if Wyoming hasn’t suffered enough from regulatory overreach recently — think what the BLM is trying to do in the Southwest or the Powder River Basin — we’re facing another catastrophic potential outcome. This time it’s the Office of Surface Mining that single-handedly has the power to extend or end the life … Read more