Over 3 million Americans are quitting their jobs – why it’s good news for Donald Trump

As fewer Americans quit their jobs, experts said Newsweek how this could give Republican front-runner former President Donald Trump a slight advantage as he approaches the November election. Resignation rates were at their lowest level in August since June 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The withdrawal rate reached 1.9 percent in August, … Read more

24-year-old garbageman feels embarrassed by his job, even though he loves it


The American economy has changed so much in the last few decades that more and more young people, as well as many parents, feel that college is not necessarily the best choice for the future. Yet, even as cultural mores around the importance of a college education shift, long-standing attitudes seem to hold that blue-collar … Read more

Biden aides talk trade, jobs with Pennsylvania Steelworkers

Biden aides talk trade, jobs with Pennsylvania Steelworkers

(Bloomberg) — President Joe Biden’s trade and labor leaders traveled to the campaign state of Pennsylvania on Friday to highlight the administration’s use of tariffs and industrial policy as a way to protect steelworkers from unfair competition. Most read from Bloomberg It was billed as an official visit, not a campaign stop, but the political … Read more

Mayor Cherelle Parker launches Community College of Philadelphia training program

Mayor Cherelle L. Parker (center) poses for a photo at an event for the first class of attendees of the Community College of Philadelphia's new City College for Municipal Employment (CCME) on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024. CCME is a new initiative from the Parker administration for Philadelphians who are interested in working in municipal government.

Mayor Cherelle L. Parker launched a new program to train community college students for city jobs, a workforce initiative the mayor has referred to as her “baby” and is a top priority for her first year in office. On Thursday, Parker welcomed a class of 75 students to the first cohort of what will be … Read more