Interviewing someone with a medical related hole in their background
By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter discusses how to respond to someone who has a medical related gap in their background.
Why do employers avoid hiring people who have been unemployed for a while?
Hi, I am Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter and I will give you some more no BS hiring of advice to 25Help You are doing an even better job of recruiting, interviewing, etc., and this advice comes from someone who e -mailed me yesterday looking for some support. Now she had already seen my video about how to address holes in your background, but she had a very unusual gap and her gap related to being caught in a terror bombing that suffered traumatic brain damage, took several years away from the workforce and is now trying to return to work.
Now I don’t know how it is for you to hear it, but my heart was far open. I made a video for her, but I also told her that I’m making a video for employers. This is something she said.
She often said it when she interviews and remembers you, even though she was in a bombing in Indonesia, she is now a United States. . . I do not know if she is a citizen or not, but she is an American resident, and she often said when I interview and I am asked what the gap is about and I am talking about being caught and having a traumatic brain injury from the bombing, she thinks just fine now. I haven’t talked to her but we’ve corresponded. She seems amazing and she says that interviewers often look at me as if what happened to me is contagious.
Catch it. She is a victim of a bombing and people respond to her with horror of what happened to her sufficiently so she is able to discover it. It reminds me several years ago when I was still working in New York.
There was an administrative assistant in our offices who, without any own fault, went to Midtown Manhattan just near the Empire State Building. A robbery had happened. Someone had been shot.
Police followed the shooter and she was caught in a cross -fire and wounded as part of their attempt to catch this shooting game. So she takes a bullet and suddenly she is damaged goods and I mean that as if employers are looking at her as defective. Now I have to pause for a moment and say that this really seems fair? Is this really the correct answer? I had suggested her that it would be normal for her to hear the follow -up question about what happened, why were you out for so long and replied by saying that I had a serious medical problem that lasted several years.
Why are you interested in job history?
I’m fine now, but it kept me out of work for several years. In Also Customs here not to Expect to Ever Return to a Job that here Current Level or Her Most Recent Level or Most Recent Compensation That She’d Been Away From The Workforce For Too Long But This Isn’t About Her This Is About Employers And How They Respond WH HEY’E’RE DEALLY WITE DIFFICULT SITUSIONS I WANT TO WANT TO ENCOURAGE YOU That The Worker Who Basically Says I Had A Medical Issue Is Not Broken Defective Or Contagious There’s Someone Who Had A Medical Problem The Worker Who Lost The Parent or Took Care of a Parent for Years During The Last Stages Of Their Life Is Not Defective or Broken But Actually Remarkably Honorable and You Ne Deal with people in that kind of way in order to ensure that well they have a fair chance now again i’m not SUGGESTING THAT YOU MUST HIRE THER BUT TO LOOK AT SOMEONE AS THOUGH That If Your Emotional Shock Displays Itself, then Very Simply Return From That Place and Say, Wow, I’m Sure You CouldN’T Help But Notice How Shocked I Was At It You Maid. If how I appeared, was uncomfortable to you, I apologize and you are not obliged to do anything more than evaluate this person fairly, but when you are shocked, it affects those you have to do some backpathing.
I’m Jeff Altman. Hope you find this useful. Come over to my website, I have more information there that you can see, listen to or read that helps you find work faster.
A few last points. First of all, if your current company tries to hire someone or if your company is trying to hire someone, I would very much like to help. Send me an E email at Jeffaltman at Let me know who to contact.
If it’s you let’s create a time to talk. I would very much like to help your regular staff positions, and if we are not already connected to LinkedIn, you should send me a connection request on tip Slash in Forward Slash I accept connection requests from people all over the world except if you look like a spamer or scammer unless you are a third party recruiting. I’m Jeff Altman.
Hope you have a nice day. Take care
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About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
People hire Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter to give no BS career counseling globally because he makes many things in people’s careers easier. These things can involve job search, hire more efficiently, manage and lead better, career transition and advice on solving workplace problems.
The exit pack
He hosts “No BS Job Search Advice Radio”, # 1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes.
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