Who can help with a job search? The top 10 sources that can help you with your job search

6 Negotiation strategies for wages and benefits

The top 10 sources that can help you with your job search Whether you are a student who enters the workforce or the performing leader looking for a new position, it is often the most critical question you can ask yourself, “Who can help me with a job search?” After all, almost everyone knows that … Read more

Corporate Ghosting

Corporate Ghosting

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter It is ridiculous that employers, large companies, small businesses, it doesn’t matter. It’s ridiculous that you joking job hunters after complaining about job hunters asking you. 10 Error Companies Make With Your Employment Process I was talking to someone today who had one last interview at a big company … Read more

Strategies for Success – Key themes

Strategies for Success - Key themes

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter Based on the book, ⁠Career Agility: Strategies for Success⁠ This book promotes a proactive and reflective approach to career management that emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself, navigating career -dilemmas and developing adaptability in a rapidly changing world of work. It is less about stiff planning and more about … Read more

Who are your enemies? | Jobsearchtv.com

Who are your enemies? | Jobsearchtv.com

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter This is a question that is asked to perform job hunters by older professionals they are interviewing. There is a way to do this best. Here I discuss it. Top Financial job for degrees One of my coaching clients was on an interview this past week and was asked … Read more

Career Coach Office Time: February 18, 2025

Career Coach Office Time: February 18, 2025

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter I answered questions about #jobsearch. If you are unable to participate in LIVE, you must mark that you are attending LinkedIn, send your question to me there and see the repetition 00:00 Intro 07:24 Is it considered unprofessional for candidates to ask too many questions during an interview? Finding … Read more

Hard interview question: Why have you been out of work so long?

6 Negotiation strategies for wages and benefits

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter In some economic times being out of work can be a pretty common situation for a long time. If you act defensively by attacking the interviewer, “what you mean. I’ve been out of work for so long,” or words that the interviewer could translate to the effect you’ve lost. … Read more

Stack: Decision between resignation, perseverance and acceptance in your career

Stack: Decision between resignation, perseverance and acceptance in your career

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter I worked as a recruiter for more than 40 years before switching to career coaching. I did not make many job changes because I did very extremely well in the boom times. It was only under the busts of the economic cycles when clients disappeared (and a lot of … Read more

Stupid Interview Error | The big game hunter

Stupid Interview Error | The big game hunter

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter In the early era of American television was one of the most popular TV shows hosted by Art Linklets, “Children say the Darndest things.” During the show, links would ask very young schoolchildren very simple questions like “What does your mother do?” A child actually replied, “She is doing … Read more