Who is looking after you?

Who is looking after you?

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter Let me ask you a question. When you are contacted by a company recruiter whose interests are they looking for? Their employers’, of course. If you are contacted by an agency recruiter whose interests are they looking for? The people who pay them (their client) and their own. After … Read more

Why people hate third -party recruiters

Why people hate third -party recruiters

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter I was a third party recruiter for more than 40 years. I remember recruiting an IT project manager position in Texas and receiving a call from a second third party recruits with a follow-up on a resume he sent to me. The resume was for a non-technical product manager … Read more

Who can help with a job search? The top 10 sources that can help you with your job search

6 Negotiation strategies for wages and benefits

The top 10 sources that can help you with your job search Whether you are a student who enters the workforce or the performing leader looking for a new position, it is often the most critical question you can ask yourself, “Who can help me with a job search?” After all, almost everyone knows that … Read more

What pace are you trying to set for your job search?

6 Negotiation strategies for wages and benefits

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter In 1990, I ran the New York Marathon on a sunny day in November with the temperature at 78 degrees. It was my first marathon and I suspect it will be my last. My friend, Frank, whom I trained for more than a year, and I got up against … Read more

What your efforts to lose weight reveals about job hunting?

What your efforts to lose weight reveals about job hunting?

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter Many years ago I was “a smaller version” of who I am today. I had already read and tried Scarsdale -Diet, tried to eat less on my own and failed several times. The figures on the scale continued to be higher and the results and my frustration continued to … Read more

Who are your enemies? | Jobsearchtv.com

Who are your enemies? | Jobsearchtv.com

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter This is a question that is asked to perform job hunters by older professionals they are interviewing. There is a way to do this best. Here I discuss it. Top Financial job for degrees One of my coaching clients was on an interview this past week and was asked … Read more

Warning signs about a toxic environment in an interview

Warning signs about a toxic environment in an interview

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter 1. A high pressure interview. If questions are thrown at you as a machine gun fire, or they explain their expectations to you, and the results they want seem unreasonable, you go into a toxic environment.2. If you look up at people on LinkedIn who have done the work … Read more

How to present yourself at a job search network event

How to present yourself at a job search network event

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Networking events are invaluable opportunities to meet professionals, share insights and open doors to new career opportunities. However, introducing yourself in a way that leaves a memorable and positive impression can be a challenge. This blog post provides practical tips to help job hunters make compelling introductions that … Read more