By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
Many years ago I was “a smaller version” of who I am today. I had already read and tried Scarsdale -Diet, tried to eat less on my own and failed several times. The figures on the scale continued to be higher and the results and my frustration continued to grow.
I went to a weight watchers meeting with my wife at the time and began to fall weight. Eventually I reached maintenance and continued to lose a lot of weight. My weight loss finally stabilized with £ 155.
Today I weigh a lot more, but I bought a lot of books on weight loss, used some apps and tried to strengthen my way to lose weight. It hasn’t worked for me.
How is this about job hunting?
I started thinking about this last week when someone asked a question after reading my article, “Job Hunting and 10000 Hours Rule.” She asked: “What to do if it is not financially possible to hire a coach? “
As in weight loss, everyone wants “the magical answer” that requires no victims, no pain and no effort.
They will be told, “Positive thinking is what you need to find a job. Just think positively, then you can become a surgeon. “
“You exaggerate. I never said that. “
Yes you are right. I exaggerate.
What you really want is a free Vulcan Mind Meld. (beat it up)
“Come on!”
1. Let me stop joking and answer the question – you know what to do. You just don’t.
Heck, I’ve tried Weight Watchers on my own, tried South Beach Diet, Paleo, Slow-Carb, Atkins, Pritikin, Fit for Life. . . A huge list of books and techniques. The fact is that I am fat and I learn my own lessons while training people.
So for those of you who want to go it alone, here is my advice.
2. There is a huge amount of information available to you but no Vulcan Mind-Meld.
As the “job hunt and the 10000 rule” point out, you have to make an effort to consciously practice each topic. . . Resume writing, networking, interview, salary negotiation, using LinkedIn well. . . Everything must be repeatedly and deliberately practiced.
3. Money is rarely the real question. The real question is self -help.
People think they can help themselves, but unfortunately they are unable to make lasting effective changes with self -help. Again, for those of you who disagree, look at all self -help Books that sit on your bookshelf. How much weight have you lost from these books. . . and won back? How many companies have you started from all the books that promised wealth from simple actions and have never earned? We kill ourselves if we think we can do it ourselves. We need to get help and pay for it, not kid Kid about what we are able to do.
4th willpower does not work long.
This has been difficult for me to admit to myself. After all, I have a lot of experience in forcing myself to do things that I have done very well for a while, only to fall back on old behavior.
For job hunters, this usually means that you stop networking when you have found a job, even if you know that networking is the technique that helps you find work far more often than job boards and recruiters.
Even if you know you need the network that you diligently developed again in a few months or a few years. You let it fall by the road and let it disappear. Why?
You stop logging in to LinkedIn and responding to connection requests, company and third-party recruiters who reach out for jobs, update your profile, participate in groups to build your reputation and knowledge, write to the platform, place powerpoints, or help others when they need help (and it includes responding to reacting to recruits when they seek help to help).
Yes, yes, I know you have little kids at home, a wife/husband/partner with whom you will enjoy time, a need for sleep and a new season of some show on TV, cable, Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime to watch. How about using LinkedIn apps on your commuting? How about when you take a few minutes off to go on Facebook? Make one of them for a LinkedIn visit.
Until you tackle your environment and not just yourself, you will be inclined to decline.
This is a correlation of the fact that willpower does not work long. It is exhausting to fight the battles with yourself to sacrifice and make a change when your environment (the people and the physical space) does not support your efforts.
We know from experience that when a boss or manager does not support our ideas (or us), we go nowhere; It is no different in our personal lives.
To make a sustained change, we need to invest in deliberately practiced action. If your home or work office could be confused with a city dump, fix it! If the requirements for you at home do not allow you to take time each day to practice the skills needed to find work, change them!
What is the difference between you and a coal miner?
To make the changes needed to be effective in your career and in your job search requires different skills. You can do it alone, but it requires willpower and knowledge that is hard to start (after all, if it was easy, you would have done it already).
Getting help in the form of career coaching makes tremendous sense and the will to spend a few dollars.
Many years ago, I finally admitted to myself that I couldn’t write a book on my own. Instead of fighting with myself, apologizing and failing, I paid to work with a coach and without them, the manuscript would be set aside and probably never returned to.
Still with a caring competent coach, I finished it, and after learning how to do it, several others were released.
“Cheaping Out” wouldn’t have worked for me; That would have been another good idea never ended.
For you, it might be the big company you’ve always wanted to work for.
The work that makes you jump out of bed in the morning.
The meaningful work that helps you understand and fulfill your purpose in life.
It is much easier to work with someone to achieve your goals. Hire a coach to help you.
© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC 2016, 2021, 2023
Which companies look for when choosing a board member
About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter
People hire Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter to give no BS Job Search -Coaching and Career Counseling globally because he is doing job search And succeed easier in your career.
38 deadly interview errors to avoid
You will find good info and job search coaching to help with your job search at
Connect to LinkedIn: https: //
Plan a discovery call to talk to me about one-to-one or group trainer during your job search at
The interview error for many leaders commit (and how to correct it)
He hosts “No BS Job Search Advice Radio”, # 1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes over 13 years.
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