Your inner complaints

By Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

A lifetime is not long. Although we like to think of ourselves as immortal, life has a way of proving us to be foolish to keep these beliefs. “

I was once 8 years old. My next birthday will be my 74. When I look at my life and life of the people I have helped, many have worked from a manuscript, as someone else wrote to those who sacrificed parts of themselves to ideas that no longer satisfy.

Everyone has times when their work no longer satisfies them, ” Do you tell yourself.

This group I have been a member of for 7 years doesn’t do it anymore for me, ” You’ve been thinking.

I listened to a podcast interview where under 30 hot shot talked about his early success and asked himself the question, “This is it?”

It often takes time to find that with professional success we are not more confident in our happiness than when we failed. Often is called what we experience often “a higher class problem.”

We move up an organization and our blood pressure rises from Sims to regular boiling. Our children go to better schools and our bills go up. Our detachment and disappointment are rising, so instead of happiness we achieve more of the same anxiety and anxiety, we hoped to escape successfully.

I read a question about Quora recently from someone who complained that his work was unsatisfactory once again (he was a self -described job hopper). He complains that he can do so much more than the crap work he has assigned and he is wondering if he should change jobs.

I talk to leaders all the time, high artists with huge egos saying the same thing, but in far more polished ways. “I have maximized; there is no place for me to move on,” is their version of the complaint.

In both examples, these people have abdicated their careers to a “Big Daddy” and/or “Big Mommy” corporation that uses them as they intend. . . to perform tasks that are necessary and employed to. It’s not their fault that your career doesn’t go anywhere; It’s yours.

You can give me all sorts of counter -arguments, but it is not their job to take care of you and your career.

It’s yours.

As long as you give away your power you are doomed to repeat the pattern.

Now stop thinking that this will be an article that rejects independent work; It’s not.

“Writing your own book” requires you to take responsibility for constructing your own plot line with all the plot -turns involved.

Are stuck? Maybe the plot can go ahead by giving even more to your job, your ideas, your passion and your commitment. Double your bet! 10x it!

Annoyed at someone you are working with? Buy them lunch and get to know them better.

Does the company think is a loser in its industry? Start sending ideas that can help management make better choices. Send 2 or 3 a day with a note that says, “Hi! I want our company to be successful. Here are a few ideas of things that will help it. No strings attached.” Do it once a week for a year.

Change your attitude. You can’t have any peace in your life or your career until you have inner peace.

Have you noticed that your inner voice complaining about what happens is seriously wrong in most of its opinions?

Seriously wrong.

To fight with that voice will not shut it up; If something, it enjoys the argument.

However, “your inner complaints” have it difficult to fight with one thing. . . To be laughed at.

Like the then Governor Reagan during a debate with President Carter, who mocks him by saying, “there you go again” and reject what the president said, you can reject your inner complaints in the same way.

“There you go again! Trying to get me angry enough to tilt out (or shut down or do something else inappropriate).” Laughing at the voice separates it and allows you.

NowLet me say you can start a business.

You can become a solo pine urge.

Making it reactive by following the advice of your inner complaints is tricked into some of its guile.

Plan for a change. Plot it out. Do it on the side. Pay attention to the choice instead of shopping on whispers into your ears of the diabolic fiend.

Winners find a way to win, often by ignoring the inner complaints and mocking its calls. Losers often find the way to lose, often by believing in IC.

Which would you rather do?

© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC 2015, 2019, 2024

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About Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter

People hire Jeff Altman, Big Game Hunter to give no BS job search coaching and career counseling globally because he is doing job search and succeeding with your career easier. You will find good info and job search coaching to help with your job search at ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Interviewed with a former boss

Connect to LinkedIn: ⁠https: //⁠⁠hebiggamehunter⁠

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He hosts “No BS Job Search Advice Radio”, # 1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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